Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Eye-Fly Get 3D without 3D Glasses


Today Smartphones phenomenon is trying to get even Smarter. As the Industry is heading ahead,providing 3D displays is the talk of today. As 3D view is going to be a significant feature of the Future Technology.Today, I am discussing with you one such step in the Smarphones Insdustry.

First tell me that Do you want to convert your Android's AMOLED display or Apple's Retina 2D Display to 3D without buying or using 3D Glasses? I can hear your eager "yes". Because in this case your Smartphone will be even much Smarter. How fascinating would it be without 3D glasses. And of course, this is now possible to convert your Smarphone Displays to 3D without 3D Glasses. Some Singapore researchers(Nanovue) have developed a screen cover that converts your 2D display to render 3D results. It is special type of film named as EyeFly 3D film. Amazing!!! Screen protection plus 3D output.

The next question is how it works? It is explained that  it contains a large number of lens like structures. These are so small to be percepted as they are one thousandth of the width of human hair. So small but handy. When they are applied to electronic devices, they work in conjunction with iOS and Android apps to produce stunning 3D results.

It must be mentioned here that Cnet Asia found few problems with these screen protectors. Having used the EyeFly 3D on the Retina display on the iPhone 5, it looked lower in resolution with the result that ,"text and icons appear[ing] to have jagged edges."However, Brightness is not affected by it. It is as it was before that screen cover.

The Nanovue is demanding $33.4 for it. Although a bit more than the expected. However, not costly for people using expensive Android and iOS devices. As a result the cheapest available source for 3D viewing.

Currently, orders are being accepted for iPhone 5 and iPod touch 5. Android smartphones and tablets are still under work. Hope so soon it will be available for Android Devices and will let you enjoy media options in three dimensions.
Image source:

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  1. hi there i have notice there are now over 75 3d youtube videos

  2. hi there your right starting out iphone 5 ipod touch 5 gen then ipad 4 ipad 3 they say in long term suports all 2d devices windows android mac ios devices all phones tablets computers laptops even tvs
